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Thank you for your query pertaining to the repair of Citizen Band radio equipment.


Unlike Amateur Radio equipment, CB Radios (aka: General Radio Service - GRS) are considered as Category I equipment, comprising radio apparatus for which a technical acceptance certificate (TAC) issued by the Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada or a certificate issued by a recognized Certification Body (CB) is required.

As such, the operating technical parameters may not be changed or modified.


With that said, you are free to repair this equipment for yourself and others, ensuring that the manufacturer operating parameters are not changed or modified from those that were approved by the Certification Body in question.

  Commercially designed, or manufactured radio transmitter equipment, capable of operating within a frequency range inclusive of those frequencies assigned for use by the Amateur Radio Service, by means of software programming or without physical modification, may be used by operators holding either, the Basic, Basic with Honours, or the Advanced Operator’s Certificate.


However; the use of homebrew, or physically modified radio transmitters within the Amateur Radio Service is restricted to holders of the Advanced Certificate.


Regardless, it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all transmitting equipment is operated in compliance with the frequency and emission limits specified for the Canadian Amateur Radio Service and within the privileges authorised by the operator’s class of certificate.

Radio apparatus may be installed, placed in operation, repaired or maintained by the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic, Basic plus 5 w.p.m. or Advanced Qualification on behalf of another person if the other person is the holder of a radio authorization to operate in the amateur radio service.


 You may not install, put in operation, modify, repair, maintain or permit the operation of a radio apparatus for a person who does not have a radio authorization to operate in the amateur service.

Thank you for your query in regard to the rules and regulations pertaining to the use of Cross-Band Radio Repeater Systems within the Canadian Amateur Radio Service.


Cross-Band Repeater systems permit radio signals received on one frequency band to be automatically retransmitted on another frequency band.


Cross-Band Repeaters may be established and operated by persons holding either, the Basic, Basic with Honours, or Advanced, Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate; (provided that such operation does not result in exceeding the frequency limits or the technical parameters authorized by the operator's certificate).   (ref: Radiocommunication Regulations, Sec. 44)


Operators not holding the Advanced Certificate are restricted to the use of radio equipment that has been commercially designed, or manufactured for use within the Amateur Radio Service.


The remote control of fixed radio stations is restricted to holders of the Advanced Certificate; therefore a Basic Operator may not make changes to the operating parameters of the station via remote means. (Mobile stations are exempted from this restriction.)


For more information in regard to these limitations, you may consult the Department's website.

 The “Physical” modification and the use of modified Radio Transmitter Equipment employed within the Canadian Amateur Radio Service may only be performed by operators possessing the ADVANCED Amateur Radio Operator Certificate.


 Provided that the equipment has been manufactured for use within a frequency range inclusive of those frequencies assigned to the Canadian Amateur Radio Service and can be configured "Solely" by means of software programming, the programming and use of these devices by an amateur radio operator holding a Basic, or Basic with Honors, certificate is permissible.


 Such equipment could be interconnected and operated by a BASIC operator, as a Cross-Band Repeater, provided that there are no internal, physical modifications to the radio equipment, in so doing.


 It remains the operator's responsibility to ensure that the operation of their radio station does not exceed the authorized technical parameters or the conditions imposed by their operator certificate, nor cause harmful interference to other radio services.


 A Cross Band system has to comply with all the normal repeater regulations, transmitter time out, control operator must ID every 10 minutes on all frequencies being transmitted on, also require DTMF

control to shut the cross band repeater off.

For more information in regard to the limitations stated above, you may consult the Department's website.



 Radionut63 Disclaimer:


 The following webpage may contain information that should only be performed by a licensed technician only! Radionut63 well not be held responsible for any damages that you may do to your radio equipment, nor any legal ramifications you may suffer by performing any of the repairs or modifications you may find on any part of this website.


 The content shown on this website, may have been gathered from several different sources including the internet and are displayed here for informational purposes only:

1 knowledge acquired through experience or study.

2 knowledge of specific and timely events or situations; news.

3 the act of informing or the condition of being informed. a an office, agency, etc., providing information.


 The content portrayed on this website are not intended for non-qualified persons to perform, they may also render your radio illegal to operate under the FCC and or Industry Canada Rules & Regulations or the communications authority in your country..


 If you choose to ignore the information above, at least ensure that any alteration that you do does not breach any laws in your country. If you ignore this too, then you choose to risk the loss of your amateur license, a very large fine, confiscation of your equipment, or even imprisonment!


 Please note that Radionut63 will not be held responsible for any actions which you as a viewer may undertake after viewing any video content on my YouTube channel or via this website.


 YOU have sole responsibility for your own actions.

 YOU are in control of your own equipment, not me!

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